Friday, January 10, 2014

New Year, New Goal!

It's become pretty obvious to me, based on the content of my posts, that I need a hobby.  I need something to take my mind off of life, and to give me something to look forward to.  I love sewing, but after working in a costume shop and occasionally getting ass-busting paid projects, I just no.  Besides, sewing and needlework can get expensive and I'm still not in any place to do whatever the hell I want.  For Christmas, my roommate gave me the official Game of Thrones cookbook, A Feast of Ice and Fire.  Last year, I didn't eat well due to various concerns (none of them worrisome), and this year I'm gonna make a to-do about it!  My goal is to cook my way through this book, which means about 8 recipes per month.  Some of them are simply breakfast assemblages and salads, so that will help speed it up.  After flipping through the book, I realized I already have most of the spices, and the awesome Armenian market down the street sells produce suspiciously cheap.  After deciding on the goal, I of course realized "crap, it's been done" a la Julie & Julia, but no matter.  I'm merely setting out to redirect my grocery bill into something more fun.  Today I made a medieval spice mixture called Poudre Forte, and if you know me at all you will know with what glee I made it.  Friends told me I should blog about my experiences, so we'll see how that goes.  In a few minutes I'm off to the market to get ingredients for a bowl of mutton and onion stew from Castle Black.

Update:  Is there a science behind making good broth from bones?  Because I almost failed chemistry in high school, and now my kitchen smells like a gym sock.